6) Route – know your route! Okay, okay, you do not have to memorize your route. Many people say just follow the crowd but if you are going to a smaller race, less than 1000 runners, I have seen people lose the race because they took a wrong turn! And if you are in the lead, there is nobody for you to follow! Nothing like making 42.2 km, into 43.2 km just because you missed a turn.
Taken from: https://www.kelownacapnews.com/
I find that this tip very helpful, to me, mentally. When does the hill come in the course, how long is it? How much longer to run? Look at how far I have run already! I feel that I have an advantage driving the course, or as close as I can get, a day or two before the race. I visualize myself running the course in those places, not while I am driving the course though.