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Doin' some Flossin'


This week on the blog we are going to talking about Voodoo Floss bands; and then over the next couple of weeks, we will be going over different techniques in which you can use your Voodoo Flossing bands.

What is it?

A Voodoo Floss band is about 2 inches or 4 inches in width. The bands are made out of latex !allergy alert! and are very stretchy. The bands are wrapped around an area of dysfunction/ tightness/ restriction. The compression of wrapping the restricted area, then the area is moved throughout a range of motion (ROM). I like the movement to occur twice. The first time I get the restricted area going through ROM is usually in a non-weightbearing, less stressful ROM. The second time I do the flossing the client is moving the joint throughout as full of the ROM as they can while weightbearing through the wrapped joint.

For example, if the knee is being wrapped, I like to get the client to lie down on their backs and do a heel slide. A heel slide is just like it sounds, lying on your back and bending your knee to bring your heel up towards your buttock area. Then, for the second movement, I will get the client standing and doing some squats through the fullest ROM that they can handle.

How does flossing work? Well, that is not really known - like so many things in the physiotherapy/medical world. One of the thoughts is that the floss band adds compression onto the tissues underneath where it is wrapped. The tissues are then brought through a ROM, forcing them to slide and glide over each other. This will stress the fascia between the skin, muscle, the fascia between the muscles and the fascia between the muscles and ligaments/bones/tendons.

When the flossing band is released there is a rush of blood to the area. Some blood flow restriction occurs during the flossing technique, but do not worry it is very safe, and it gives a very unique type of rush. Then like any good physiotherapist, or health professional for that matter, we do a test/retest. We can retest the previous movement where we found the restriction. Sometimes there is a change in the total ROM of the joint and sometimes there is very little change but the client states that there is decreased pain, the area feels lighter/less restricted. Not only is there objective data but the the client's subjective interpretation of the event is also very important.

What are the risk factors in flossing? Well first off, as mentioned above, the floss wrap is made of latex, therefore if you have a latex allergy, do not wrap the latex floss band directly on the skin. The flossing band can be wrapped over clothes if needed. The second big thing that must be considered is the time under the flossing wrap. When you wrap the floss band it should be at 50% tension (stretch the band close to maximal then back off to 50% of stretch) and 50% overlap of the previous wrap. At that amount of tension, there is a decrease in blood flow to the far end of the limb. Is this safe? The answer is yes, it is safe! There is a technique called Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training, we will do a blog post on this in the near future, and that entails training for 5-20 minutes with an inflatable collar around the limb, i.e. usually both arms or legs, that limits the blood flow into the limb. Then the person exercises during that 5-20 minutes while the blood flow is restricted. According to some research, there is less incidence of blood clots, DVT or deep vein thrombosis, in people that undergo BFR than the normal population. They are not sure why but one thought is that the blood flow is restricted but then when the restriction is released, it forces all the blood through the veins quicker than normal and eliminates any chance of a blood clot. But I digress. The flossing band is usually only kept in place for 2-3 minutes, during the exercises and then released, taken off the body. Flossing is usually done 2-3 times per body part per treatment session, in conjunction with other treatments. Another safety issue with flossing is that it should only be done over intact skin. It is not to be done over cuts, scrape, scabs or any open wound. Floss bands should not be used over an area of active infection, i.e. a swollen knee joint that is thought to be infected. In addition, flossing should not be used on people with bleeding disorders, dermatitis, systemic inflammatory conditions (for example RA), pregnant women no abdominal or pelvic flossing, varicose veins or or when the client has a high fever. If the flossing band causes any type of numbness or tingling that is not okay. Take hte band off immeidately and rewrap. If the numbness/tingling returns, then today is not the day to use a Voodoo floss band on that area.

Where is flossing be used on the body? Let's do a bottom up approach. Floss can be done on the feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, thorax, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist/hand.

Over the next few blog posts we are going to through the different areas of flossing on the body and do some videos showing you how to wrap the body and different precautions for each body part.

Have you used a Voodoo Floss band? Did you do it to yourself or did someone else wrap it on you? Please let us your experience in the comments.

Do you have joint that feels stiff and you would like to try some flossing as part of a plan to help to loosen it up? Call New Leaf Physiotherapy for your at home physiotherapy needs. 250-826-7300 to talk with Lyndsey, a certified Rehabilitation Assistant, to help you book your assessment.

New Leaf Physiotherapy is a mobile physiotherapy service that sees clients in West Kelowna, Kelowna and Lake Country.


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