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Doin' some Flossin'
Learn how Voodoo Floss bands help improve mobility, reduce pain, and boost recovery. Discover techniques for different body areas.

Runners, the best exercise you are NOT doing!
Improve your running by increasing hip mobility, especially internal rotation, to prevent injuries and enhance performance.

New Leaf Physio Fitness - Rob's favourite product
This week's blog post Rob of New Leaf Physiotherapy shares what his favoirte piece of equipment is...

Wine Country Half Marathon 2016
On Sunday, September 4th, I lined up and ran the Wine Country Half Marathon, for the second time. This fantastic race is situated in my...

This single post may change the way you practice!
This was an amazing article and I want to let everybody know about how I found out this paper and how you can get some great sports...

Achilles tendinopathy, what you need to know
I am reviewing a fairly recent article, 2011, on the conservative treatment of chronic Achilles tendinopathy. This article was published...

Plantar Fasciitis
Heel Pain - Plantar Fasciitis: Revision 2014 Clinical Practice Guidelines Linked to the International Classification of Functioning,...

2017 Canada Summer Games
It has been a little while since I wrote a blog post. There are many things happening in the life of a mobile physiotherapist. One of...

Injury Free Life: Hip Flexion Exercise
This hip flexion exercise is one of the exercises I personally use to keep myself injury free. What you need is Thera-Band® Tubing or a...

Choose to Move, Part 2
This is a second video done by the Phyisotherapy Assosication of BC, PABC. Inspiring people to get out and move in our beautiful province!

Midsummer 8 km in Kelowna
This post is about congratulating the work done in the Kelowna running community by hosting the Midsummer 8 km run.

The easiest way to run faster...
I do a lot of running. Some of the people I run with ask me this simple question. How do I run faster? Here is my answer.

Bike Fitting
Changing your bike to fit your body can decrease injuries and make your ride just more enjoyable. Here are some tips...

Canada Games 2017 Part 2…
I am working Saturday night of the change over day, August 5th, at the polyclinic on the University of Manitoba campus. The changeover...

Canada Summer Games, Part 1
Well, I made it to Winnipeg. It was a wonderful 2 hour fight from Kelowna. I thought that I would let you know what a day in the life...

2015 BMO Okanagan Marathon
New Leaf Physiotherapy would like to say congratulations to all the runners in this year's BMO Okanagan Marathon weekend. I personally...
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