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Runners, the best exercise you are NOT doing!
Improve your running by increasing hip mobility, especially internal rotation, to prevent injuries and enhance performance.

2016 New Advances in Hip Rehabilitation
The last weekend in April, I went to Salmon Arm, for the course, New Advances in Hip Rehabilitation. The course was held at Lakeshore...

Injury Free Life: Hip Flexion Exercise
This hip flexion exercise is one of the exercises I personally use to keep myself injury free. What you need is Thera-Band® Tubing or a...

Injury Free Life: Hip Abduction Exercise
I use this Hip Abduction exercise myself and it’s one of my favourite exercises to keep myself injury free. To begin, use a Thera-band...

Hip, hip hooray!
Our hips are the largest joints in our bodies. They are not always healthy. If they have an issue, you might get these symptoms

Injury Free Life: The Bridging Exercise
Hi, it’s Rob from New Leaf Physiotherapy in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Today, I am going to go over the bridging...
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